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EhLib is a software library for building complex, high performance distributed systems. It provides implementations of various distributed computing patterns including replication, fault tolerance, load balancing, and partitioning. EhLib implements all common communication patterns used in high-performance computing clusters such as shared memory multiprocessors (SMP), shared file systems, and sockets. It also integrates with other open source libraries like for abstractions on C++ STL algorithms and includes implementations of C/C++ threading using POSIX threads that leverage multithreading to achieve better performance than thread pools running only one concurrent task at a time. The latest release is 9.3 Build 9.3. 032. The EhLib library includes implementations of distributed computing patterns including replication, fault tolerance, load balancing, and partitioning.It also includes implementations of C/C++ threading using POSIX threads that leverage multi-threading to achieve better performance than thread pools running only one concurrent task at a time. It supports both process and kernel threads on desktop operating systems. On Linux platforms, it supports creation of kernel threads on arm32 systems that have Linux kernel 3.7 or greater.. However the POSIX threads are not supported on Windows platforms due to the lack of multithreading support in the native Windows API. The current stable release is 9.3 Build 9.3. 032, the latest stable release is 9.3 Build 9.3.039, and the latest development release is 9.3 Build 9.3.050 The current version of EhLib is version 9.3 Build 9.3.032, this version was released on Nov 13, 2017 supporting WindowsXP32bit/Windows2003/Windows8/Windows7/Linux/Mac OS X10-10-27 or later versions . The main change or bug fix includes: 1) Update to Boost 1 1 218 for updating to Boost 1 1 219 caused by error in cpp file . without corresponding file . hpp, which caused the compilation error in EhLib/boost_include_boost.hpp CMakeLists.txt; 2) Add support for building with OpenSSL <>, this is left for future developement or discussion. 3) Update to Boost 1 1 224 for updating to Boost 1 1 225 caused by error in cpp file . without corresponding file .hpp, which caused the compilation error in EhLib/boost_include_boost.hpp CMakeLists. txt 4) Update to Boost 1 1 228 for updating to Boost 1 1 229 caused by error in cpp file . without corresponding file .hpp, which caused the compilation error in EhLib/boost_include_boost.hpp CMakeLists.txt 5) Update to Boost 1 1 241 for updating to Boost 1 1 242 caused by error in cpp file . without corresponding file .hpp, which caused the compilation error in EhLib/boost_include_boost.hpp CMakeLists. eccc085e13